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Don’t miss this event 😀
Map to go to Diapason:
IRISA celebrates its 40th anniversary the 18 June 2015! Register to the Olympics and fun games that will take place during the afternoon by clicking here (registration through Renater).
Have you ever played bubble soccer before? Follow the link and check …
Let’s meet at a more sporty event!
Join us at the main entrance of INRIA/IRISA to go to Laser Game Evolution (19 rue de Rigouderie, Cesson Sevigne) on 8.04.2015.
Prizes for the first 3 winners.
INRIA/IRIA Phd/Post-Doc + Engineers+ Interns approved event.
Subscribe till 01.04.2015 on Eventbrite.
Cost for …
Join us on Tiffany’s bar!
The 5th of March (20h00) we are going out at Tiffany’s billiard bar.
If you are a PhD student or Post-Doc you can profit from 1h of free billiard game plus a free drink.
Please subscribe first before the 27/02 on this Continue reading